Fisking a Turnip Part 1: Enter the UberYude
Over the past several months, a repulsive group of internet bullies (who also happen to be white nationalist – the best term I ran across was from an anon account calling them pseudo-Christians – Nazi apologists) caused a stir throughout confessional Lutheranism by hosting hour after hour of attacks on the LCMS’s new drafts for a Large Catechism publication. They didn’t actually come out in public to speak. They gathered in random podcasts, ignored all other voices, and held kangaroo court on the work of ordained clergy and invited laymen. Claiming to be Lutherans, just as they falsely claim to be Christians, they bore the fruit of their fraud when they scampered from public debate like cockroaches, only to hold more secret Star Chamber Maoist struggle sessions of slander and lies to broadcast far from listening ears. If anyone dared criticize them, rather than deal with the substance of critiques, these pseudo-Christian slanderers hid behind a college undergraduate like the late Reich cowering behind the prepubescent Hitler Youth victims as the Allies closed in on Berlin.
And if someone did come forward to challenge them directly, these Mahlerite heretics proved they like to use Martin Luther’s face and perhaps two of his published works, but they inherited none of his public courage or integrity. So, rather than accept invitations to direct debate, the Mahlerites openly threatened the identities and privacy of anyone who dared to question them.
Groups of fearless pastors from multiple confessional Lutheran denominations converged on them (in accordance with their calling) shortly after they survived the four straight months of sleep deprivation between Christmas and Easter. It rapidly became clear that ONE reason the Mahlerites scurry like cockroaches for the shadows whenever the light of opposition appears is that, without personal threats and ad hominem attacks…
The Mahlerites have ZERO ability to endure actual critical responses. Like grade school playground bullies, their insults and fried logic circuits only fly with flunkies who chuckle and say, “Good one, Corey!” over and over.
When an anonymous account, immune to the Mahlerite threats to dox the women and children around him to silence his critique, took on Ryan Turnipseed playing sidekick enabler to Corey Mahler and Treble Woe’s attacks on the church visible, everything fell apart.
It. Was. Glorious.
It took a few days, but Operation Valkyrie has been able to contact an (apparently slightly OCD) anon Berean who goes by the monicker (((RedeemedUberYude))) on Twitter. We have his permission to repost his content for our audiences as well as his Twitter followers.
Uber Yude has been fisking Ryan Turnipseed’s Mahlerite Star Trial on the Large Catechism literally one sound byte at a time.
The Mahlerite lynching of the responsible theologians who put the Large Catechism together was three HOURS long, and we at Operation Valkyrie do not share Uber Yude’s allergy to sleep, so we will be giving you the utter destruction in small doses, a few points at a time.
From here on out, we’ll let Uber Yude do the talking. (I’ll be making popcorn.)
The fisking begins at a direct request: This places Ryan’s screed in fair game for a layman who is under the command “Always be prepared to give an answer” -O.V. Team
Here's the source that I sat through 3 hours ago. This is just the example I'm picking because of the number of heresies and defiances of God's Word that Ryan commits or lets slide without rebuke.
Qui tacet consentire videtur (Latin: He who is silent is understood to consent)
The new LC applies Jesus's teaching in Matthew 7 to sexual sins in the church, and Ryan calls it 'abominable' that this application is made.
Timestamp: 26:30 and on.
@TurnipMerchant acknowledges Jesus taught this in Matthew 7:1-5 (timestamp 27:00+)
"This is saying that transgenderism, polyamory, and pedophelia are the speck in our neighbor's eye" -Turnip
Well, 100% true, UNLESS they are his struggles as well. I haven't polygraphed him.
"Instead, we should be focusing on the log in our own."
Again, just Jesus's sayings applied DIRECTLY to Ryan's sex life per the 6th commandment. 100% true, unless, again, Ryan has more sexual brokenness than he cops to. Still, Ryan holds that this is abomination.
Ryan's guests begin the heresy marathon at 27:45. Woe/Mahler sound too much alike for me to say who's speaking at each given point. One of them is an excommunicated false Christian usurping teaching roles, the other is being sought for correction/excommunication, for context.
Manmade false doctrine #1 begins at 27:45, and I've checked with four pastors to verify my own take: Mahler/Woe is openly lying and offering man-made classifications of sin found NOWHERE in Scripture, defying Jesus in Rev 22:18.
27:45 trough 28:30 teaches a manmade doctrine that for Christ, to be tempted was not a sin, but for people, the fact that they are tempted IS a sin. This is heresy per: 1 Cor 10:13, Hebrews 4:14-16.
1 Corinthians 10:13 states that no one experiences temptations not common to man. Mahler/Woe begins this heretical spield that people tempted like THEY are are not sinning while people tempted like OTHERS are sinning, both positions making God a liar in 1 Cor 10:13.
Hebrews 4:14-16 English Standard Version
Jesus the Great High Priest
14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
[Mahler’s] heretical position further DESTROYS Christ's humanity as well as Christ's divinity by defying Hebrews 4 since it states that Christ was NOT tempted as we are, but was tempted DIFFERENTLY than we are, but without sin.
More heresy.
Turnip: Tacit approval.
Having defied God's teaching about sin AND urinated on Christ's efficacy as our Great High Priest, Mahler goes on to espouse his favorite man-made doctrine, that (exclusively his) perception of the natural world can be used to determine who makes the graver sins.
To be continued…