Fisking a Turnip, Part 3: Never Go Full AntiChrist
Here at Operation Valkyrie, we would like to point out that it only took three cricicisms of the Large Catechism essay about the 6th Commandment before the Mahlerite positions reach the pinnacle of heresy. In order to maintain their self-righteous pride relative to the grievous sins of child sexual abuse, homosexual activities, and transsexual behaviors, Mahler has set a standard that would utterly destroy the Gospel of Christ.

Fisking a Turnip Part 2: Mahler, Dante, and the Lake of Fire
In fact, Romans 2:1-5 openly condemns Christians for doing EXACTLY what Mahler, Woe, and Ryan do for hours in this podcast: condemning others while excusing their own sins by comparison. Ryan ignores God's warning that this is storing up wrath for the Christian, another stumbling block .

Fisking a Turnip Part 1: Enter the UberYude
When an anonymous account, immune to the Mahlerite threats to dox the women and children around him to silence his critique, took on Ryan Turnipseed playing sidekick enabler to Corey Mahler and Treble Woe’s attacks on the church visible, everything fell apart.
It. Was. Glorious.
It took a few days, but Operation Valkyrie has been able to contact an (apparently slightly OCD) anon Berean who goes by the monicker (((RedeemedUberYude))) on Twitter. We have his permission to repost his content for our audiences as well as his Twitter followers.